Two Sisters Language Resources

About Us Michif Verb Building Game Michif Verb Building Online Beginner Michif Course Manual Children's Activity Books Language Videos Contact Us

About Us

We at Two Sisters Language Resources and Applied Linguistics Inc. (or Two Sisters Language Resources for short!) have the mandate of supporting Indigenous language reclamation efforts by developing resources and teaching materials.

In our small director team, we are educators, linguists and language teachers working with various community partners and language speakers to develop the best products possible. We are currently focusing on languages spoken by the Michif/Métis people. We invite you to peruse our available resources and contact us for access. Marsii!

Michif Verb Building Game

The Michif Verb Building Game is a resource designed to help learners with mixed language Michif verbs, in collaboration with Chantale Cenerini, Verna DeMontigny, Elvis DeMontigny and Carol & Rhéal Cenerini.

The game encourages learners to build verbs and full sentences in Michif using colour-coded cards and boards. It has been built on the principles of immersion, interaction and scaffolded learning. Learners are encouraged to build verbs according to different participants and different time frames. Part 1 of this resource is available in limited supply, and includes 10 lessons. Part 2 (Levels 11-16) will be available shortly.

Each lesson contains 2-4 boards, and 50-80 playing cards. It also includes a lesson manual, audio files for each lesson of every possible verb formulation by speaker Verna DeMontigny to help with pronounciation, with pedagogical booklets for Manitoba and Saskatchewan social sciences curriculums available upon request.

This resource is available in English and Michif and will soon be available in French and Michif as well.

We thank Heritage Canada – Indigenous Language Component for their financial support for the development and production of this resource.

To apply for a game set free of charge, please submit the following form to Two Sisters for review. Game sets can also be purchased by contacting us as well.

Michif Verb Building Online

The Michif Verb Building game has been adapted to an online version. Play in the beta version with colour coded cards in an interactive, immersive approach to language learning. Audio support is upcoming. Create your account today Here!

This online resource has also received financial support from Heritage Canada – Indigenous Language Component. To provide feedback on this resource in development, please contact us here! .

Beginner Michif Course Manual

Contact us to access this living document – a conversation manual to support a beginner Michif learner and/or course! It was developed by speaker Brousse Flammand (Thinking in Michif) as a compilation of the many community introductory classes he taught between 2017 and 2020. The main theme of this booklet is Michif in the Home, and includes vocabulary lists as well as extensive phrase lists touching on various topics and rooms of the house. For example, learn vocabulary for food and the kitchen, and conversational phrases for having tea with a friend or relative! This booklet follows the spelling convention of the Turtle Mountain Chippewa Cree dictionary.

To view an excerpt of the booklet, click here

To request PDF access or printed copies of booklet, please contact us here! .

Children's Activity Books

Watch here for updates on activity books we are developing to practice concepts explored in the Pre-K – Grade 1 curriculum, but in Michif!

Upcoming are booklets in mixed language Michif and in Michif-Fransay.

Language Videos

Watch here for upcoming videos of Michif speakers conversing on various topics!

Contact Us

For questions or requests to access resources, please contact: